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Learn Mindfulness With Me

I coach workplaces and  individuals looking to manage stress, anxiety and burnout through courses, workshops and one-on-one sessions.

An Antidote to Modern Life 

With the world around us programmed to steal our attention and cloud our mind with noise, we can choose to intentionally train our brains to make decisions that so that we respond to life in more helpful, productive and creative ways.

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Learn To Surf
Waves Of Life

A phrase I love is that mindfulness can help you surf the waves of life. While we can’t stop the waves from coming, we can learn to navigate the ups and downs without being swept away. 

Benefits of Mindfulness 

Growing studies in neuroscience shows that mindfulness can change our brain and create lasting traits to improve our cognitive function and ability to deal with stress. Other benefits of mindfulness include: 

🧘🏻‍♀️ Reduce levels of anxiety

🛌🏼 Improve quality of sleep

💡 Improve focus & concentration

🫀 Increase emotional resilience

🩺 Manage chronic pain

🎨 Boost creative thinking

My approach to mindfulness

  • Practical: create sustained change through simple tools and practices  

  • Real / accessbile: down to earth and rational. Mindfulness doesn’t have to be esoteric or woo woo. Anyone can learn, anyone can do it

  • Person-focused: what works for the individual. Different practices, choose what works for you 

  • Compassionate: kindness to yourself so that you meet yourself where you are at with what’s most helpful for you in that moment.


Explore My Courses

Mindfulness is best learnt across a sustained period to learn practices best suited to you and cement a habit. I run regular group courses online and in-person, check out my upcoming courses or register your interest for future ones.


Mindfulness for Stress

Master the skill of mindfulness and meditation in this full 8-week mindfulness course. 


  • Meet weekly for 2-hour live sessions with your trainer Emma and a group

  • Access to course resources and materials for your daily home practice 


  • The foundations of mindfulness from an evidence-based approach 

  • Tools & strategies to manage stress & anxiety 

  • Create a solid meditation habit 

  • Practices for everyday life, for the rest of your life 


An Introduction to Mindfulness

In this introductory course you will learn the foundations of mindfulness and ways you can lay down a practice of meditation.


  • Meet weekly for 2-hour live sessions with your trainer and a group

  • Access to course resources and materials for your daily home practice


  • The foundations of mindfulness from an evidence-based approach 

  • An introduction to tools and practices for managing stress & anxiety 

  • How to start a meditation habit 

  • Practices for everyday life, for the rest of your life

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My Mindfulness Journey

I’m a qualified and certified mindfulness teacher with the British Association of Mindfulness-based Approaches (BAMBA). In January 2023, I was made an Associate Teacher for Breathworks, and I also run my own courses and events focusing on mindfulness for stress and burnout. 


I was drawn to mindfulness when living and working in Hong Kong, the fast-paced city and a stressful job meant that I felt I was running to catch up with life. I eventually hit burnout, which became my catalyst for a solo trip around the world that lasted two years. I trained in yoga on the beaches of Bali, headed deep into the Amazon jungle for plant medicine ceremonies, visited Buddhist monasteries in Thailand and silent meditation retreats in India and Vietnam.


Meditation was one of the practices that brought home to myself, and I soon started to see lasting changes to the way I responded to my experiences.


Lockdown in 2020 was another catalyst for me. It brought me back home to Scotland where soon after my Mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer. While caring for my Mum and living in the quiet countryside of the Scottish Highlands, I decided to embark on a mindfulness teacher training with Breathworks. The tools mindfulness gave me to navigate some of the most challenging times have been life changing. 


Helping others find more peace and resilience through mindfulness is a real joy for me. I see mindfulness as an ‘antidote for modern life’, a powerful way to take control and strengthen our resolve, outlook and capacity for happiness.


Today, I teach courses, workshops and events, as well as tailored corporate offerings and one-to-one coaching.

Bespoke Corporate Sessions

I run tailored courses, sessions and workshops for workplaces looking to increase team wellbeing, resilience and cohesion.

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Mindfulness Taster

 1 - 3 hour sessions to leave your team feeling refreshed and calm for their day ahead. Sessions include a guided meditation practice and an introduction to mindfulness and helpful practices for stress relief.


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Mindfulness Course

4 - 8 week courses to lay down the foundations of a strong mindfulness practice at work. Your team will learn how to self-regulate for more balance, practices to find calm in the day and life-long tools for sustained wellbeing. 


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Specialist Workshops

Alongside wonderful & skilled partners, I run specialist workshops to experience mindfulness in different ways. These include mindful drawing, origami, creative writing and more. 



I found the course really helpful and the meditations were brilliant (Emma's meditation voice is the best I've listened to!). For someone new to it all, it showed me how effective meditation could be, in a way that you don't get with apps. I feel like I now have the tools to use when feeling stressed. During the course, I slept consistently well, which I put down to the practices we leant. Emma communicated the material in a clear, interesting and inspiring way.

Sarah Purvis, Head of Content at Digital Raddish

Ready to start your mindfulness journey?

Check out my upcoming Events, or get in touch to find out what path might be best for you .

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