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London-based Mindfulness, Yoga & Qi Gong Teacher

I help people find more flow so that they can navigate life with ease.


 Quiet the Mind, Open the Heart 


50hr Mandala Yoga, Kindred School of Yoga, Apr 2023
50hr Rocket Yoga, Kindred School of Yoga, Lisbon, Aug 2022

Mindfulness Teacher Training (for stress & pain management), Breathworks, Mar 2022 

200hr Ashtanga Vinyasa, All Yoga Training, Bali, Oct 2018

I’m a qualified mindfulness, yoga and qi gong teacher with an approach that focuses on mind and body awareness. I believe we have the tools within us to live a happier, more balanced life,  we just need to master them.


In my classes I encourage people to get in touch with their internal world, so they can feel more connected to life and leave  feeling expansive and alive.


Meditation and yoga have been an important part of my life, for the past 10 years they have been a stable constant that has helped me live life on a more even keel. 


As someone who feels life fully, I was often at mercy to the ups and downs of its nature. I was someone always drawn to the exciting highs, but didn’t want the lows that came with it. I heard somewhere that meditation can help you ‘surf the waves’ and I thought - that’s what I need! 


I went deeper into those practices when I decided to leave my home and career in Hong Kong to travel the world. Burnout had been my catalyst, and I was ready to get lost. Two years of solo travel took me to beaches of Bali for a yoga teacher training, deep into the Amazon jungle for plant medicine ceremonies and India and Vietnam for silent meditation retreats.


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Positive Mindset

We can balance out our in-built negativity bias with the power of positivity.


Freedom starts with breaking free of habitual patterns that hold us back.


Being kinder to ourselves and others can transform the world around us.

How we can Work Together

Whether you are here to start your mindfulness journey, flow with me or elevate your marketing, I’m here to help.

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Yoga & Qi Gong

Emma’s style of teaching focuses on embodied movement and bringing you to a state of clarity, expression and creativity. Flow with me.


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Mindfulness For Stress & Modern Life

Learn mindfulness tools that will help you navigate modern life with more ease, calm and control. Book a bespoke mindfulness programme for your workplace, join a course or workplace or book a one-to-one


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Are you a wellbeing leader looking to level up your marketing? Learn to market yourself with confidence and reach your dream customers. Join a marketing course or book a one-to-one clarity call.


Flow with Me

Stay Connected and join me for one of my upcoming events

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